Saturday, April 28, 2018

"She Lives in the Garden"

"She Lives in the Garden"

She lives in the garden and the garden lives in her. This Messenger of Love takes the garden everywhere she goes. It is more of a mindset than a place; more of a state of being than a location in time. The garden nourishes her, holds her upright like a stalk in the wind.

She sends a blessing to you: May you live in the garden of God’s love. May it live in you as the home you carry with you wherever you go. Even though you might have wandered out of the garden from time-to-time, you are always welcome Home. Here, you are valued and cherished just as you are.

Mixed media on gessoboard, 11” x 14”.

©Claudia Rose, Ph.D.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Light Within

Through her long years, she has learned that that her thoughts give meaning to things, people, and events in her life.  If she has a choice about how to think about her life She chooses to see only light.  Her skin folds into creases, but this doesn’t bother her.  God created her full of light and unconditional love.  Her body is like a threadbare dress, but it’s just a vehicle to get her from place to place.  Time erodes the illusion of external beauty. She takes care of it knowing that it is temporary.

Her blessing to you: May you befriend the beauty within.  May you also care for your body as a trusted friend.  In the end, may your body be a well worn suit of clothes that you discard with ease and gratitude.

©Claudia Rose, Ph.D.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Facing Fear

on the easel

This Messenger of Love looks fear in the face and chooses love.  When she faces fear, it dissipates like fog in sunlight.  She doesn’t fight against fear or defend herself like a castle under siege.  Instead, she looks fear in the face and sends it loving thoughts.

Each morning she sends out love to her day—to everyone she will meet or contact, to the animal, mineral, and plant kingdoms, and this beautiful blue planet herself.  Love is her answer to fear.  Fear is but a loveless thought held in the mind until it seems real.  Love is the answer.

Her blessing for you: May you hold yourself in loving thoughts. When fear arises, may you remember to choose love. Fear is just fog obscuring your true reality, which is love. May you remember this always.

Mixed media on duralar, 9” x 12”.

©Claudia Rose, Ph.D.

Friday, April 13, 2018

Spring In Her DNA

“Spring Is in Her DNA” This Messenger of Love comes alive in the Spring, the time of new beginnings. Where once there was frozen ground, there is now new life.

Her blessing to you: May you believe in new beginnings, no matter the circumstances of the past. May you embrace Spring in your life. As you were made of hope, may you walk in hope.  As you were made from Love, may you lovingly welcome new beginnings in your life.

Mixed media on 11” x 14” gessoboard.

©Claudia Rose, Ph.D.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

You Are a Miracle

Your true nature is miracle enough. You don’t have to morph into something alien or purified of all flaws. YOU ARE A MIRACLE—a spark of the divine clothed in human form. Your worthiness is woven into your DNA waiting for you to claim.

©Claudia Rose, Ph.D.

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Face of Hope

“Her Name Is Hope” in full scale. Hope breaks the spell of loss and regret. She sees beyond bitterness and disappointment. Even in her dreams, she greets the dawn with wonder.

Mixed-media on Yupo paper, 9" x 12". The painting was something of an experiment! I used alcohol inks, charcoal, gouache, and alcohol pen.

©Claudia Rose, Ph.D.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Breakthrough in Color

This is what a breakthrough looks like in color. I asked the Universe for a breakthrough in my life and my art. This is what I got-- an energy explosion like the birth of a galaxy! I can’t wait to see what comes next.

I’m playing on translucent Duralar. It’s an amazing substrate similar to Yupo paper. It comes clear and translucent. It’s archival, stiff, and accepts paint, ink, pencil and even charcoal. I photographed this detail by holding the sheet up to the window so the light passes through like it does through stained glass. In person, it is incredibly vivid.

Thank you, Universe, for the explosion of color and the anticipation of wonderful things to come!

©Claudia Rose, Ph.D.

Monday, April 2, 2018

Her Name Is Hope


“Her Name Is Hope” This Messenger of Love is the perfect sister to forgiveness. Wherever forgiveness lives, she rushes in to reside.

Hope is more than a dream. She is the outstretched hand when you are lost in despair. She is the hug of reassurance, the smile of welcome. She is the acknowledgement that you are loved, you are home and whole.

She greets the dawn with wonder. Every day is a chance to reset her attitude, make new choices, and look for the good in people in situations.

Her name is Hope. Forgiveness has led her to the other side of hurt and trauma. She lives in a land called Hope, where miracles are possible.

Her blessing to you: When you move through your day, may you call upon her to walk with you. May you acknowledge her presence in your life and nurture a relationship that turns her dreams of possibilities into yours.

Mixed-media on Yupo paper, 9" x 12".

©Claudia Rose, Ph.D.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

The Gift of Forgiveness

“The Gift of Forgiveness” This Messenger of Love wants to remind you that forgiveness is a gift you give yourself. It is a way to set yourself free.

Her lovely face was inspired by one of my art mentors, Leonardo #davinci.

Pencil drawing 8" x 5".

©Claudia Rose, Ph.D.