Thursday, March 17, 2016

New Painting-Bouquet for Mother

A Bouquet for Mother

I still feel the weight of her hand, like a baby bird, held in mine. I clipped her nails and filed the edges. She surrendered to my care just as I did when a child in her arms.

Whatever regrets or judgments we might have harbored evaporated between us. I held her hand, beautiful in its delicacy. It was cool with no tasks to complete, no weeds to pull, no golf club to swing, no bed to make—now only to be cared for. Now was her time to receive the bouquet, to sit on my couch and let me thank her with a nail trim.

Even when a beloved is long gone, you continue a relationship with them. They are like flowers that bloomed in a past season living on in your memory and heart.

I remember her hand
like a baby bird
come to rest.


12” x 12” gallery wrapped canvas. Mixed media-acrylic, India ink, graphite and pastel.
Available for sale on my website:

©Claudia Rose, Ph.D.

1 comment:

  1. Ahh yes the meaning of the phrase 'Mommy Dearest' changes with our bloom.
