Wednesday, January 31, 2018

New Mixed-Media

“Her Beloved Provides” Her body, a gift from her Beloved, is an earthly container for her soul. Her Beloved provides all she needs and does not judge her requests.  She might ask for a healing, a bracelet, a house by the pond, or cash in her purse. As there is no limit to her beloved’s capacity, no gift diminishes the gifts available to others.  Her Beloved loves all equally the way the Moon loves the stars.  Her Beloved provides to the extent that she can receive and she knows she is loved.

She offers you a blessing: May you feel the support and love that is available for the asking.  May you acknowledge that all you require is provided, for you too, are beloved.

Mixed-media on gessoboard, 9" x 12".

©Claudia Rose, Ph.D.

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