Friday, July 6, 2018

She Thrives

“She Thrives No Matter What” This Messenger of Love tells me: “Begin again.  Remember your first love, your first job, your first trip around the world.  It’s a new day, literally and spiritually and every way possible.  Every dawn is a gift of renewal, a chance to begin again, to do better than yesterday.”

I tried to make this Messenger of Love a perfect beauty, delicate and lovely with her blue hair.  She would have none of it. So I painted over the entire panel with titanium white.  Then I scraped and rubbed away areas of her face and shoulders.

She said: “There!  This is how I like it.  Of course, I’m perfect in spirit.  But as a human, I’m like a painting on a cave wall.  I peel and fade and lose my brilliance.  Then I take myself to the spa, on a retreat, or start a new relationship.  I’m revived, brand new again, ready for all the challenges and opportunities before me.  I continue to thrive no matter what.”

Her blessing for you: “May you thrive no matter what.  If you have to redirect your life a dozen times over, may you still remember that you are born to thrive, to endure, no matter what.  Your body may shrink and wrinkle, but the light within you never fades!”
Mixed-media on 11” X 14” Ampersand panel.

©Claudia Rose, Ph.D.

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