Wednesday, January 31, 2018

New Mixed-Media

“Her Beloved Provides” Her body, a gift from her Beloved, is an earthly container for her soul. Her Beloved provides all she needs and does not judge her requests.  She might ask for a healing, a bracelet, a house by the pond, or cash in her purse. As there is no limit to her beloved’s capacity, no gift diminishes the gifts available to others.  Her Beloved loves all equally the way the Moon loves the stars.  Her Beloved provides to the extent that she can receive and she knows she is loved.

She offers you a blessing: May you feel the support and love that is available for the asking.  May you acknowledge that all you require is provided, for you too, are beloved.

Mixed-media on gessoboard, 9" x 12".

©Claudia Rose, Ph.D.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Letter to the Universe

Dear Universe, this is my time.  After a life of service—comforting lost children and leading families home, I’m ready.  This is my time.  I’m grateful for all the opportunities to be of service—at deathbeds, counseling rooms, and empty houses.  I loved it all.  I especially remember visiting orphans in their foster homes and holding them in my arms. At those times, I felt angels hovering over my shoulder and I knew it was you.

Now I’m ready to release all limits.  I send a blessing to myself: May I inhabit the heart of a hummingbird, who sees the world as a giant garden offering sustenance for the asking.

Dear Universe, it is my time.  I’m ready to receive.  I ask now.

©Claudia Rose, Ph.D.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

New Mixed Media Portrait

“Her Face Speaks Volumes” Her beauty opens doors.  Her soul does the talking.  She has learned to let her face speak—connect with whom she chooses and reject those with whom she is not aligned.  While her face is young, her soul is not so much.  She has seen armies come and go, conflict reach critical mass.  She knows the side on which she stands.  She stands for peace.  She marches for love, the only cause worth living for.

She offers you a blessing: May you discover what you stand for, the cause that keeps your blood flowing. May you ignite your life with meaning and let your face, words, and actions speak volumes.

Mixed-media on gessoboard, 11" x 14". Including charcoal, pastel, conte crayon, and carbon pencil.

this is how she first showed up!

 ©Claudia Rose, Ph.D.

Friday, January 19, 2018

New on Yupo

“She Is Ready to Be Blessed” by a world that works in her favor. #oneness She tells a story that she chooses to live—young men open doors, traffic pauses for her crossing, geese honk hello…  She acknowledges every way she is supported and supplied from the scone when she is hungry, to the kind word when she doubts. She is ready to be blessed.  In her readiness, she sets the stage for her receiving.

She offers you a message: May you anticipate blessings. May you acknowledge even the smallest of gifts that your capacity to receive may grow as grass in Summer.

Mixed-media (charcoal, gesso, pastel) on archival Yupo paper, 9" x 12".
©Claudia Rose, Ph.D.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

The Light Within

“She Imitates Twilight” and carries the warmth and color of the day with her.  No matter the circumstances of her evening, the light is with her, in her, providing comfort and guidance.  In truth, she is the light and can never be lost or alone.

She brings you a blessing: May you find your own light, ablaze within you, eternal, constant like a beacon guiding you to safe harbor. 

#claudiaroseart #spiritualartist #theabundantartist #healingart #sacredfeminine #divinefeminine #artoninstagram #meditativeart #femaleartist #soulfulart  #divinelove #lightworker  #Californiaartist #acim #femaleart #theabun #artgallery #selflove #mixedmediaart #EarthAngel  #artforchange #womenpaintingwomen #americanwomenartists #womenartists #goddessart  #portrait

If this painting speaks to you, you can purchase products based on the original in my #redbubble shop: The original is also available. Contact me for details.
Mixed-media on Ampersand gessoboard, 11" x 14".

©Claudia Rose, Ph.D.

Friday, January 12, 2018

New Perspective

Do you ever look at your art upside down?  It’s very revealing, like looking at your life from a new perspective.  You see an eye too low or a nose to flat.  You see things- immediately -that you never noticed from your usual perspective.

Here’s a blessing from your art to you: May you see your life from many angles, each new perspective offering a fresh view, another reason to hold yourself in a compassionate embrace.

#claudiaroseart #spiritualartist #theabundantartist #healingart #sacredfeminine #divinefeminine #artoninstagram #meditativeart #femaleartist #soulfulart  #divinelove #lightworker  #Californiaartist #acim #femaleart #theabun #artgallery #selflove #mixedmediaart #EarthAngel  #artforchange #womenpaintingwomen #americanwomenartists #womenartists #goddessart  #portrait

©Claudia Rose, Ph.D.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Mixed-Media in 2018

“She Attracts Blessings” She holds a vision of the universe as her ally, a friend who is always available, generous, and forgiving.  In this vision, she feels blessings flying towards her like the geese greeting her each morning as they fly over the pond.

She doesn’t have to give the geese GPS coordinates.  They know the direction they fly based on the currents, time of day, and intention.  Her job it is to trust that she lives in a loving, abundant universe—and it is her ally.

She brings you a blessing: May you hold the vision of a loving universe and may your life experiences prove you right.

If this painting speaks to you, you can purchase products and prints based on the original in my Redbubble shop: The original is also available. Contact me for details.
Mixed-media on archival Yupo paper, 9" x 12". 

#claudiaroseart #spiritualartist #theabundantartist #healingart #sacredfeminine #divinefeminine #artoninstagram #meditativeart #femaleartist #soulfulart  #divinelove #lightworker  #Californiaartist #acim #femaleart #theabun #artgallery #selflove #mixedmediaart #EarthAngel  #artforchange #womenpaintingwomen #americanwomenartists #womenartists #goddessart  #portrait
©Claudia Rose, Ph.D.