Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Night Visitor

This Night Visitor asked for some bling. I pulled out a drawer, and there it was. She loves her necklace! Self-pampering is more than frivolous. It’s self-care, a message about how you feel about you. Bling might not be your thing, yet the way you think about yourself really matters.

When you hold yourself in high regard, you send a message that this is the way you want to be treated by others. On some level, we are all connected. So a little self-care goes a long way to helping everyone feel better about themselves and those around them.
FREE ebook, "21 Days of Blessings: to inspire & uplift". Click here.

©Claudia Rose, Ph.D.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Miracle Maker

Angels don’t always have wings. Sometimes they have orange hair and blue eyes! This Messenger of Love is a Miracle Maker. You can actually hear her wings flutter as she walks. She knows that even if her wings are not visible, they do exist to lift thoughts from fear to love, from the illusion of struggle to the ease of grace. She IS an angel, someone who remembers her true identity.

Her blessing for you: May you discover your own true identity. May you discover all you are, the full, spectacular you, a miracle maker in human form, who was made in love.

Mixed-media (acrylic, pastels, and charcoal) on gessoboard; 11” x 14”.

©Claudia Rose, Ph.D.