Saturday, September 24, 2016

Free to be Me

Free to be Me

All my life, I have scribbled interlocking patterns and images that dance to their own rhythm. I called it scribbling until I discovered the aboriginal artists of Australia, Richard Pousette-Dart and Huguette Caland, who created abstract art full of imagery beyond the material world. I am now slow to judge my art practice. As my divine self says: “It’s not about art, but what art can do.”

Art opens channels of receptivity. It helps me accept who I am and what I came to be and do. Art, in whatever form or medium, is a door-opener, a life-changer and lifesaver. Art is a peek at the soul. It is:

Revolutionary without protest
Freedom without resistance
Priceless without cost

All your issues pop up during the process of art-making. Who do you think you are? What do you believe? What do you love? What do you dream, desire, and envision? What is your truth? You discover that control destroys the flow; fear blocks ideas; and comparison kidnaps your joy.

Everything that is true of art is true of life. All humans were designed to be artists. Some hold a paint brush, others a laptop, microphone, or pen.

What is the first step to being an artist? Declare yourself. Be glad you are you. It all starts here.


©Claudia Rose, Ph.D.