Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Inspiring Ancestor Painting


I have a confession. For me, gratitude is more a discipline than a natural state of being. Some days I must look for things that evoke gratitude. It could be as simple as a homemade scone, a cat purring on my lap or geese flying overhead. I love history and genealogy that reveals the lives of my ancestors, who seem to trigger greater gratitude.

This painting reminds me of Elizabeth, my Puritan ancestor who was tried for witchcraft in Hartford, Connecticut 30 years before the Salem Witch Trials. She was imprisoned, tried three times, acquitted twice and convicted once. Elizabeth chose to face her accusers and repeatedly maintain her innocence regardless of the threat of execution. In the end, the governor refused to hang her. She was released and moved with her family to the Rhode Island Colony.

Elizabeth triggers my gratitude for the freedom to worship as I choose. I am free to write and speak and paint what I wish. I can freely share divine messages, my visions and inspiration. My God, what a gift!

Elizabeth is a reminder that all is possible in this perfect moment. Elizabeth stood her ground and stated her truth. How can I do anything less? How can you?


#mixedmediaart #lightworker #gratitude 

Mixed media on 12" x 12" birch panel 

©Claudia Rose, Ph.D.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Bravo for you and Elizabeth and me and what that opens in all. to be their truth. I love that she's looking straight at us and oh those gorgeous, kissable lips.
