Monday, July 25, 2016

She Hears the Temple Bells Ring

She Hears the Temple Bells detail

Temple bells ring out in the thin dawn. Her attention is called to the universe within. Temple bells call the self to prayer, a meeting with the soul. She sets her intention for the upcoming day—that every moment might be filled with blessings, right action and a grateful heart.

She hears the temple bells. Though her only adornment is the flowers in her hair, she feels rich beyond measure.

temple bells
ring in the morning
making a sanctuary
of the spot
where she stands

The painting is vertical, yet I love this detail with an orientation that reminds me of a reclining buddha.

©Claudia Rose, Ph.D.

#mixedmediaart  #meditation #expectmiracles  #healingenergy

#claudiarose  #gratitude